Porto Seguro

Porto Seguro

On April 22nd, 1500, more or less 500 years ago, Pedro Alvarez Cabral, a Portuguese navigator, landed on a beach along the Atlantic coast, south of the equator, a long and calm beach, protected by rocky ramparts offshore. He christened that beach Porto Seguro, meaning 'secure harbor', built a monument on a close hill and
... in the name of the king of Portugal, took possession of that place and of all the nearby territory...
The "nearby territory" was an immense country, spanning from Uruguay and Iguacu Falls up to the vast basin of Amazon River.
Many Italian emigrated to Brazil in the last century and they became Brazilian, as Africans and Japanese did. In 1948, Gigi S., my father's close friend, left Genova to find luck in America. He lived in Argentina and then moved to Brazil. His four daughters have always been dearest friends to me, even if we are separated by the Ocean and the Equator.

Cachoeira do Brumado

Cachoeira do Brumado

Cachoeira do Brumado

Cachoeira do Brumado

Prado - Panorama


Prado - strada con cavaliere




Congonhas do campo

Congonhas do campo

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© Carla Marchetti 2000 - 2004
last modified May 2004