This crib contains a set of figures collected along the years thanks to the passion of Dom. Raffaele Tubino, priest of St. Desiderius parish church. It is composed of more of 100 elements, including human figures and animals, of different age, origin and artistic value. In this case, the collector chose to mingle figures of precious manufacture (the Nativity is a group of ancient Neapolitan school) with contemporary sculptures, of lower value, and did this to enrich the crib's narrative variety. The setting is very accurate and rich in details, and very enjoyable to visit. It is divided into two rooms and several different pictures.
Mary with the Holy Child and St. Joseph
- the figure are of Neapolitan origin
The Nativity scene is housed in the second room and it is set in the scenery of the ancient Genoa, with narrow lanes, old buildings and typical corners. In the same room, there are other scenes representing episodes of baby Jesus life, such as the Flight into Egypt, with a gracious Madonna that nurses.
In the first room, the setting is realized according to the tradition, in the background of a typical Ligurian landscape, marked by rural buildings, cottages and animated by everyday life scenes. We find here the market stalls and the carpenter workshop, olive harvesting and firewood collection, with the logs carried down the slope by a ropeway; and then the basket-maker, the kettle and clay pots seller and the flower seller, the farm and even the medical doctor workshop, with a patient lying on the couch. Images illustrate everything better than words, in this and in the following page.