
Tomba di Humayun

Humayun (nato a Kabul nel 1508) fu il secondo imperatore della dinastia Mughal, succedendo a suo padre Babar. Trasferì la capitale da Agra a Delhi. La tomba fu costruita dalla più anziana delle sue vedove,Bega Begum nel 1563. E' in questa tomba che, nel 1857 durante la conquista britannica dell'India, Bahadur Shah II, l'ultimo imperatore Mughal, si rifugiò con i suoi tre figli e fu poi catturato dal Luogotenente Hodson
Humayun's Tomb
Humayun (born in 1508) was the second Emperor of the Mughal dinasty, succeeding his father Babar. He moved the capital from Agra to Delhi. His tomb was built by his senior widow Bega Begum in 1563. It was in this tomb that, during the British conquest of India, in 1857, Bahadur Shah II, the last Mughal Emperor, took shelter with his three sons and was later captured by Lieutenant Hodson

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